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Ways to Foster a Family Culture

This article presents to the broader Heights community a 2016 letter written by our headmaster, Alvaro de Vicente, to Heights parents. Former Heights Headmaster, Dr. Robert Jackson, used to say that education is about the passing on of a culture. Our culture both represents and shapes who we are. Although inescapably exposed to the general culture in our society, while they are living at home, your sons’ most influential cultural experiences should be dictated by home and school. To this effect, we at The Heights seek to collaborate with you…

Build, Learn, Save: A Student’s Guide to Home Maintenance

I bought my house in 2012, and it definitely needed some work when I moved in. Fortunately, I had two things to help build my confidence with home projects: 1) I didn’t have any money to pay someone else to do the work, and 2) My father did a ton of home projects when I was younger (and still does now). Seeing my father do all these things gave me confidence in knowing that I don’t need to be a professional handyman to get work done. And when I can’t…

Why We Need Exposure to Nature

Since 2008, more people live in cities than in rural areas. Eric Heil explains why we need exposure to nature in both the neurological benefits that it provides, and what we deprive ourselves of when we avoid it.

Seneca on the Teacher’s Job

In Seneca’s Moral Letters, he mentions advice he had gotten from his teacher, Attalus. An analysis of the Latin reveals more from Seneca on teachers.