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How Dickens Can Help You Write Your College Application Essay

…all roads point at last to an ultimate inn, where we shall meet Dickens and all his characters; and when we drink again it shall be from the great flagons in the tavern at the end of the world. —G.K. Chesterton Don’t Forget the Laughter This essay is on laughter, an often-crucial note in application essays self-forgetfully awake to the magical joy of falling on your face, and living to laugh about it. Laughing at yourself shows maturity, an ability to see a situation from another’s perspective, one that isn’t…

First Day of Biology Outline: Mr. B’s Sound Beginnings

The first several days… Mr. B starts the course in a way similar to his friend Mr. P, the eighth grade Physical Science teacher (first reading at least the introductory part of the article A Sound Beginning: Mr. P and Physical Science is recommended). He greets the students as they meander into his Biology class. Administrative details take up about half the first class and then the real teaching begins. The logical starting place is for Mr. B to explain what Biology is and why it is worthwhile to study…

First Day of Physical Science Outline: Mr. P’s Sound Beginnings

It’s the first day of school. Students arrive at Mr. P’s Physical Science class with a mix of anxiety, interest and uncertainty. What will this year be like in science class? How difficult will the class be? Where are my friends sitting? Who are these new students I do not know? I can’t believe I’m sitting in class right now when just yesterday at this time I was fishing at Bear Creek with my best friend Justin, enjoying the last day of summer vacation… Thoughts are also racing through Mr….

Teaching Scientific Modeling

The power of models Although each science in the curriculum has its own lens through which it looks at nature or society, they are united by a common approach. Modern science can be described as an ongoing process of developing and deploying models—not model airplanes or runway models, of course, but simplified representations of complicated objects or systems. Models help us understand things by focusing on their essential features and leaving out the incidental or less important details. Developing a model involves applying inductive reasoning to things or phenomena to…

A More Scientific Approach to Science Education

Not scientific? A serious problem in science education today is an ironic one: science education too often fails to be scientific. This is admittedly an odd statement. How can science education be non-scientific? Isn’t anything to do with presenting scientific knowledge necessarily scientific? Science education today too often fails to proceed in a scientific manner, in a manner that fosters both scientific understanding and thinking. The problem is not with what is being taught. For the most part, the scientific knowledge that is being conveyed is accurate and scientific enough….

A Summer Fully Alive

I once heard someone say there are at least three reasons to become a teacher: June, July, and August. This response, I suppose, is true, but not because the summer is a time for laziness; rather, it is because the summer offers an opportunity for recreation in the truest sense of that word. It is a time to be made anew and, by this, to live fully. Whether your summer has, up to this point, been full of life or full of languor, now is the time to begin again….

It’s Not the Plane; It’s the Pilot: A Review of “Top Gun: Maverick”

Standing before a handful of elite F/A 18E/F pilots, Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell tells them the hard truth: pulling off this mission will take a miracle. More than one. Looking only at the plot of Top Gun: Maverick,  a moviegoer would be forgiven for assuming the same about this film. And he would be dead wrong, because Top Gun: Maverick is the only movie you have to see this year. On paper, it sounds like a hundred nostalgia-fueled Hollywood cash grabs: an aging Maverick is called into NAS North Island…

A Break from the Doom and Gloom about Free Speech

I worry a lot about the current state of free speech. It’s literally my job to worry about it, because I teach a class on the topic of free speech. But after reading through my students’ final exams, I’m feeling a lot better. If you’re also a worrier, maybe you’ll feel better if I share the good news. Three days before the exam, I gave the students the final essay question in advance, and it was nothing if not topical: In April 2022, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”)…

In Defense of Victory

It seems to me that, culturally, we have a misconstrued understanding of the meaning of “victory”. We oscillate between two extremes. At one extreme, we have an obsession with “winning” as an end to be attained at all costs. Lie, cheat, steal; all fine in the pursuit of a championship or a title. At the other, we have the “everyone’s a winner” mentality with all of its various manifestations. Of course, both of these understandings of winning are false and are dangerous to mind, body, and soul, but they both…