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Introduction to Teaching Sovereign Knowers

The classical liberal arts education movement is growing and vibrant. Over the past several decades, new secondary schools and homeschooling cooperatives striving to offer an education that engages with the best in our tradition have emerged throughout the United States and beyond. There are professional associations and publishing companies that support these new schools and homeschool families. There are even college programs geared toward training educators in the liberal arts tradition. The progressive model of education represented in most public schools and many private schools is no longer the only…

Individuality and Gift Giving

Many years ago, on Christmas Eve, a friend discovered to his dismay that it was the day before Christmas and he had yet to procure any gifts for his recently-wedded wife—a sense of desperation that some of us can surely empathize with, despite months of watching our wives or mothers stockpiling carefully chosen gifts that are agonized over, purchased, agonized over some more, and finally wrapped with a prayer of appreciation. In a fit of desperation, my friend drove off to local department stores shortly after the sun had set,…

A Guide to Parent-Teacher Conferences

It was my second year teaching and I thought I had everything figured out. My seventh graders were doing great in their classes and I was imparting sage advice left and right during mentoring sessions. Nothing could slow me down. Nothing, that is, until parent-teacher conferences came around. As it turned out, over the course of the previous academic quarter, my advice had been less than satisfactory. Several parents approached me with fair criticisms and certainly knocked me down a few pegs. Pretty quickly I realized that I didn’t actually…

On Cleaning

Grammar and Latin teacher Rob Greving shares some perspective to help us prioritize cleaning and even get better at it.

What Homer Knew About Football

Mark Grannis, logic and history teacher, muses about the individual decisions that affect team outcomes in the college bowl games we watch this time of year.

A Boy’s Life: Finding Joy in the Everyday

Adults can regain the joys of a child through re-engaging with the local, novelties, and living seasonally. From a basis of attaining this child-like joy, parents and educators can then help guide boys to appreciate the same.