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Science Fiction: Joe Breslin on the Beauty and Value of Strange Worlds

…the Contemporary with Michael Ortiz Guiding Our Boys through Modern Literature with Joe Breslin and Lionel Yaceczko Exploring and Expressing the Human Condition through Literature with Michael Ortiz Forum Reviews Additional Resources  Joey…


The Price of Good Reading: 10,000 Talents

One of the great fruits of studying classics is learning to read carefully. Translating ancient languages trains you to facilitate communication: you have to create a faithful representation of what…


Classroom Management From Day One

Five Things I Wish I Had Known In 2006 I experienced some momentous first experiences. My first wedding anniversary, the birth of my first child, and my first time working…


The Illegitimate Child of Mnemosyne: A Pop Quiz on AI and Plagiarism

It was a Monday morning, the hour before lunch. My colleagues and I met in those last few days before the spring semester began to discuss the challenges of plagiarism….


“If it isn’t official, then it can’t be real, now can it?”

When I first saw Trenton Lee Stewart’s The Mysterious Benedict Society on a shelf in Barnes & Noble, my first thought was, “Great, another New York Times Best seller children’s…


The Champagne Will Never Taste So Good

“In the basement, when she wrote about her life, Liesel vowed that she would never drink champagne again, for it would never taste as good as it did on that…


Ever wonder what milk and toast tastes like?

“Here’s what I think: the only reason I’m not ordinary is that no one else sees me that way” (3). R.J. Palacio’s hero August Pullman begins the first-person (though cycling…


On the Healing Powers of Tragedy

What is “tragedy”? Actually, it’s not a bad thing happening to a good person. But what, then, is it? Join Dr. Yaceczko and Mr. Mehigan for a conversation about how…


Exercising Memory like the Pythagoreans

Exercising Memory Like the Pythagoreans Most people have heard of the Pythagorean Theorem, and can recite a2 + b2 = c2 on their way to finding the measurements of right…


WWRD? On the Roman view of Citizenship and Borders

A Liberal Arts education empowers citizens to make rational decisions about complex issues with reference to, among other things, our history. While we, as a nation, grapple with issues of…