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Professional Development on the Road

Andrew Reed, Middle School Head and Leaders Initiative Director, recently led a day-long workshop for teachers at Summit Academy, focusing on the vocation and mission of teachers.

In his first session, Andy outlined three levels of a teacher’s vocation: forming the mind in the context of a single class, forming the person in the context of a school, and forming the whole person in the context of a family. He encouraged teachers to widen the scope of how they see their work, to understand that they are called to not only teach an individual student, but to work with families–to partner with parents to form students holistically.

The second session centered around points of reflection about the deeper purpose of a teacher’s work. He reminded the teachers that each student is infinitely loved by God, making their role in shaping these young souls both a privilege and a responsibility. He stressed that personal growth in virtue provides the strongest lesson for a student, noting that personal example is the most powerful way to inspire virtue and devotion in students.

The workshop formed a part of the Forum’s efforts to share our vision, philosophy, and practice of education with schools across the country. If you are looking for ways to rejuvenate your professional development days, contact to learn more about how the Forum can assist your school.

About the Author

Nate Gadiano

Executive Director

Nate is the Executive Director of The Heights Forum. In addition to his work at the Forum, he has also taught Natural History in the Lower School and Writing Workshop in the Middle School; he currently leads a philosophy seminar for high school seniors.

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