The vision of “man fully alive” involves a man motivated by faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these, St. Paul tells us, is love.
Our guest today, Mr. Tom Steenson, is a long-time teacher of the Heights fifth grade and also the upper school class History of Western Thought. He brings his experience and broad readings to bear on the question: How can we impart lessons of authentic love to rambunctious twenty-first century boys in a way they’ll actually internalize? Tom’s practical ideas span younger and older students, framing the endeavor as forming the boys for love by love.
- 2:47 Teaching love to younger students
- 6:11 Teaching love to upper school students
- 11:26 Turning self-focus into self-knowledge
- 16:20 Images of love in the curriculum
- 19:36 Love and masculinity
- 23:47 Love in imitation of God
- 26:06 Passionately loving the world
- 31:00 Faith, hope, love: the greatest is love
- 34:46 Affirmation of their goodness
- Augustine’s Confessions translated by F. J. Sheed
- Phaedo by Plato
Featured Opportunities:
- The Art of Teaching Conference at The Heights School (November 13-15, 2024)
Also on the Forum:
- The Man Fully Alive: On Our Vision featuring Alvaro de Vicente