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Paternal Presence

featuring Alvaro de Vicente

Paternal Presence

Mr. de Vicente offers four ways that fathers can be present to their children, and examines some of the common obstacles to that presence.


Paternal Patience

featuring Colin Gleason

Paternal Patience

Lower School Head, Colin Gleason, discusses paternal patience and anger. If you, like so many dads, find yourself regretting the fact that you “lost it,” listen in.  Mr. Gleason discusses anger and the ways that we, as fathers, can direct this emotion towards the good.


Accompany, Don't Manage

featuring Andrew Reed

Accompany, Don't Manage

Dads, how often do we try to strong arm our sons into success?  Is this the best way?  Even if your son achieves success, is it his win or is it yours?  Join Andy Reed for a discussion of fatherhood.  Learn more about what our Middle School Head refers to as the “bedrock principle” of fatherhood, the notion that you, as a father, have to accompany rather than manage your boy, and that he will draw confidence for himself from your confidence in him.

Magnanimity for Husbands and Fathers

featuring Fr. Carter Griffin

Magnanimity for Husbands and Fathers

A lecture by Rector of the Saint John Paul II Seminary, Fr. Carter Griffin, from the 2024 Fathers Conference hosted by The Heights Forum.

The Father and His Family

featuring Michael Moynihan

The Father and His Family

As fathers, we play a central and critical role in the lives of our families. Despite that, however, we have lost many of the communities that in ages past offered us practical advice and wisdom. Michael Moynihan steps into this void offering the contemporary father concise and thoughtful timeless advice about how to fulfill your role as a father. In this podcast, Michael talks about his new book, and some of the central components of being the pater familias.


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This collection features content from Alvaro de Vicente, Colin Gleason, Andrew Reed, Fr. Carter Griffin, Michael Moynihan. Scroll down to explore the chapters in this collection.