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Workshops for New Teachers in Boston

Practical wisdom, thought Aristotle, is impossible to attain except by experience. This is true of life, of the arts, and of professional crafts. The next best thing is the experience of older people combined with thoughtful reflection. 

Such experience and thoughtful reflection is what the Forum sought to transmit this past summer during its workshops for the new teachers of the Archdiocese of Boston. Through the month of July, The Heights Forum offered workshops for the St. Thomas More Teaching Fellows. Focusing on key areas related to the teaching profession, the Forum sent ten veteran teachers from The Heights School to run each day. Among other conversations, these men spoke on partnering with parents, mentoring, content delivery, classroom management, tone and culture, and strategies for teaching boys. Moreover, they also spent time over meals and in Q&A sessions, addressing the individual questions and concerns of the soon-to-be teachers. 

The Forum’s workshop in Boston was the fruit of an ongoing relationship with the Archdiocese of Boston’s superintendent, Tom Carroll, who had spent ample time at The Heights School on several occasions for conferences and hiring purposes. 

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About the Author

Nate Gadiano

Executive Director

Nate is the Executive Director of The Heights Forum. In addition to his work at the Forum, he has also taught Natural History in the Lower School and Writing Workshop in the Middle School; he currently leads a philosophy seminar for high school seniors.

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