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On Teaching Love

The vision of “man fully alive” involves a man motivated by faith, hope, and love. And the greatest of these, St. Paul tells us, is love.

Our guest today, Mr. Tom Steenson, is a long-time teacher of the Heights fifth grade and also the upper school class History of Western Thought. He brings his experience and broad readings to bear on the question: How can we impart lessons of authentic love to rambunctious twenty-first century boys in a way they’ll actually internalize? Tom’s practical ideas span younger and older students, framing the endeavor as forming the boys for love by love.


  • 2:47 Teaching love to younger students
  • 6:11 Teaching love to upper school students
  • 11:26 Turning self-focus into self-knowledge
  • 16:20 Images of love in the curriculum
  • 19:36 Love and masculinity
  • 23:47 Love in imitation of God
  • 26:06 Passionately loving the world
  • 31:00 Faith, hope, love: the greatest is love
  • 34:46 Affirmation of their goodness


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About the Guest

Tom Steenson

Fifth Grade Homeroom, History of Western Thought
Tom Steenson teaches fifth grade and the History of Western Thought.  He arrived at The Heights in 2001, having earned a B.A. in 1996 at Thomas Aquinas College, where he developed a love of ancient Mathematics, Philosophy, and Theology.  He moved to the D.C. area to study philosophy at The Catholic University of America, where he obtained an M.A.,...
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