The Grindstone Skills
by Lionel YaceczkoThe Grindstone Skills
Convincing families and students to sign up for classical languages — no simple task — just might be the easy part. Whether we believe the primary reason is to improve SAT scores, the formation of the student’s faculty for analytical thought, or the acquisition of a functional language to be used for reading (or even writing and communicating), what are the methods most effective of these ends? Inevitably we will be unable to accomplish everything in just one course; what are the hard choices we have to make among competing...
“You Get to Take Latin”
featuring Lionel Yaceczko“You Get to Take Latin”
Classics teachers Mr. Myers and Dr. Yaceczko discuss the benefits of classical studies in the acquisition of both practical and theoretical knowledge.
Teaching Spoken Latin
featuring Christophe RicoTeaching Spoken Latin
This episode explores the theory and the practice of the Polis Method of language instruction which relies on a variety of methods to offer students an immersive experience of second language acquisition. We are joined by Dr. Christophe Rico, Dean of the Polis Institute, and Mr. Guillermo Dillon, Latin teacher at the Northridge Preparatory School in Chicago, Illinois. Additional resources: