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Heights Lecture Series: Costs of Closing – Accompanying Our Sons through Covid

Our lives have been altered in ways few of us thought possible before March 2020.

As a school, we wouldn’t presume to broadcast our opinions on matters of public policy or medical science. We can, however, at this point speak to the impact of closure and other preventative measures on our boys. No preventative comes without cost, and for a young man in the formative years of his life, these days have ceased being a brief episode, taking on an air of semi-permanence. How is this affecting our sons?

Alvaro de Vicente gives an evening lecture discussing the impact on young people of what has come to be known as the “new normal.” More importantly and optimistically, Mr. de Vicente will discuss the ways that we, as parents and primary educators, can accompany our boys through the turbulent waters of Covid-19, building them into the “men fully alive” we hoped and prayed they would be, both before March 2020 and after.

About the Author

Alvaro de Vicente

Headmaster, The Heights School

In addition to his responsibilities as headmaster of The Heights, Alvaro acts as a mentor to high schoolers, and teachers senior Apologetics.

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