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The Formation of a Teacher

Charlotte Mason’s simple framework for a teacher calls him a “guide, philosopher, and friend.” It’s a lovely image—but what does that practical application look like? At the Forum Teaching Vocation Conference last winter, Heights teacher Tom Cox unpacked each of these terms citing ancient wisdom and loads of modern classroom experience.


  • 6:09 Charlotte Mason and the teacher as guide, philosopher, and friend
  • 7:44 Guide: one who has been there before
  • 10:53 Communicating the “why”
  • 14:18 Philosopher: starting in wonder, ending in wisdom
  • 15:59 A storyteller stirring up wonder
  • 20:01 Friend: beginning with a mutual love of something
  • 22:28 Modeling friendship with fellow faculty
  • 23:57 St. Aelred of Rievaulx’s qualities of friendship
  • 24:19 Dilectio, outward benevolent acts
  • 24:54 Affectio, interior feeling
  • 26:29 Securitas, freedom from anxiety
  • 27:42 Iucunditas, pleasantness
  • 30:00 Orient towards hope: begin and begin again


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About the Guest

Tom Cox

Chief Editor

Tom Cox teaches Latin and Greek in the Upper School at The Heights, where he has taught since 2009. Having earned his B.A. in Classics at Hillsdale, he completed a Master’s Degree in 2019 in the Liberal Arts from St. John’s College in Annapolis, MD.

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