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On the Healing Powers of Tragedy

What is “tragedy”? Actually, it’s not a bad thing happening to a good person. But what, then, is it? Join Dr. Yaceczko and Mr. Mehigan for a conversation about how this ancient art form was used thousands of years ago to prepare generations of heroes for life’s difficult moments. At The Heights, we continue this tradition. Listen in to hear why.

About the Authors

Lionel Yaceczko

Latin, Greek
Lionel Yaceczko holds a BA from the University of Dallas, where he wrote a thesis on Propertius, and a MA and Ph.D. from The Catholic University of America. His dissertation on education in the Roman Empire led to the publication of his book Ausonius Grammaticus (Gorgias Press, 2021). He is also the author of an introductory Latin textbook, Jerome�...
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Finn Mehigan

Fifth Grade Homeroom, Classics
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