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Anthropological Foundations of Mentoring

In June, the Forum hosted a Mentoring Workshop for men across the country (and beyond) to consider the whys and hows of mentoring young boys into young men into men fully alive.

It’s always best to start by defining terms. And so, the opening lecture for the workshop weekend featured Dr. Joseph Lanzilotti, theology scholar and upper school teacher at The Heights School, explicating the kind of Christian anthropology that precedes a mentoring relationship. In other words, how are we to understand what man is before we try to help him grow? For our benefit, Dr. Lanzilotti maps out this profound philosophical concept using St. Augustine’s simple and most famous line: “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you.”


  • 2:07 St. Augustine’s “Our hearts are restless until they rest in you”
  • 4:56 What is man? Who is man? What is his telos?
  • 7:54 Pope St. John Paul II’s “adequate anthropology”
  • 8:38 Finding an adequate anthropology in St. Augustine’s restless heart
  • 10:05 Fecisti nos: you made us
  • 13:33 Ad te: for yourself
  • 17:27 Inquietum cor nostrum: our hearts are restless
  • 22:19 Donec requiescat in te: until they rest in you


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About the Guest

Joseph Lanzilotti

Math, Classics

Dr. Joseph Lanzilotti joined The Heights School faculty in 2022. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology with a second major in Philosophy from DeSales University, a Master of Arts degree in Theology from Ave Maria University, and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree in Theology from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. Having grown up in rural New Jersey, Dr. Lanzilotti developed a great love for the natural world. He is a beekeeper and gardener. He enjoys trail running, swimming, and skiing. Joseph and his wife, Caeli, have a two-year-old son. They reside in Reston, VA.

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