An Introduction to Natural History
featuring Eric HeilAn Introduction to Natural History
In certain school systems, it is perhaps more common to find students dissecting samples and diagraming abstractions. The boys in the Lower School at The Heights, however, begin their scientific formation not in a lab, among dead specimens, but in nature, among living creatures. Their text book is not full of paper, but of paper’s source, trees; for their primary text is the book of nature itself. In this week’s episode, Eric Heil takes us outdoors–so to speak–for a discussion of natural history. With over fourteen years of experience teaching...
On Nature Journals and Observant Souls
featuring Eric HeilOn Nature Journals and Observant Souls
Last episode we addressed the importance of properly and prudently handling wildlife. Once your boy has the prudence and courage needed to fully experience the wild, a nature journal is a great next step for our budding naturalists. Join Mr. Eric Heil for a conversation about how to keep a nature journal. Of course, this is only an introduction to what is covered in more detail here. Happy journaling to all youngsters of adventurous good will during these, the last two weeks of summer!
Can I Catch It?
featuring Eric HeilCan I Catch It?
We've all been there. A boy in your care looks earnestly into your eyes, rabid with excitement; he's found a critter and he wants to catch it. What do you do?
What is Science?
by Conn MehiganWhat is Science?
In this collection, educators and distinguished guests present articles and talks pointed at the first main reasoning for The Initiative for the Renewal of Science Education. This initiative aims to emphasize a reexamination of the school of science with the idea of showing teachers and parents the new method of dialogue we should consider as modern educators. The first collection approaches a broader idea of What is Science, where content showcases the broad idea of science as a subject and its critical implications in our thinking. This initiative in no...
Teacher Resources
by Conn MehiganTeacher Resources
This second collection of the Initiative for the Renewal of Science Education, Teacher Resources, contains firsthand testimonials and methods from educators with the goal of assisting other educators in their teaching of scientific thought in the classroom. Teachers explore their lesson plans and important preparations they make for their science classes, presenting simple methods on how to engage the critical thinking of their students. Common themes include emphasis on inquiry-based approaches within designed experiments, the importance of a vivid imagination, and the intersection between classical and modern thinking. This collection,...