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June 13-14, 2024

Mentoring Workshop

The Heights School • Potomac, MD

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Personalizing Education

“Always remember,” declared Pope Benedict XVI in an address to educators, “that teaching is not just about communicating content, but about forming young people.”

Teaching is an essentially personal profession. The matter of its art is the human person—born with intellect and will, a heart full of feelings and passions, and a deep yearning for a transcendent purpose which often evades his grasp.

To teach is to form: it is to help another discover what he truly believes and really wants, become who he most truly is, and realize that he can choose to grow no matter where he currently is. It is to assist another in finding practical ways to grow, here and now, with an eye to the transcendent ideals that animate his being. The fruit of such formation is real freedom. Rather than someone who merely follows rules out of a rote sense of duty, gritting his teeth to fulfill obligations imposed on him, the fruit of such formation is someone who does good because he wants to do good—because he feels like it, to paraphrase St. Josemaria.

This task, difficult though it may be, is what teaching is all about. In this way, every teacher is a mentor. Rather than an optional addition, mentoring is essential to teaching, such that if a teacher is to fulfill his professional calling, he must find ways—fitted to his circumstances—to impact his students beyond teaching a particular discipline.

The purpose of this workshop is to share ways in which teachers can be more intentional, thoughtful, and reflective in their role as mentors. Whether or not you teach at a school with a formal mentoring program, our hope is that this workshop will challenge you to expand the horizon of how you imagine your work as a teacher, as well as to equip you with some practical strategies for putting these aspirations into effect.

Program Schedule

June 13
June 14
  • 9:00am Mass and Breakfast
  • 10:00am Anthropological Foundations
    Dr. Joseph Lanzilotti
  • 11:00am Ethical Foundations
    Colin Gleason
  • 12:00pm Lunch
  • 1:00pm Forming Others
    Colin Gleason
  • 2:00pm Helping Students Grow in Prudence
    Michael Moynihan
  • 3:00pm Practical Pillars: Agency, Trust, and Affection
    Joe Cardenas
  • 6:30pm Dinner
  • 9:00am Mass and Breakfast
  • 10:00am Transformational Conversations
    Alvaro de Vicente
  • 11:00am Helping Students Grow in Sincerity and Temperance
    Kyle Blackmer
  • 12:00pm Lunch
  • 1:00pm Restless Hearts: On Guiding Prodigal Souls Home
    Dr. R. J. Snell
  • 2:00pm Love and Fidelity: Formation for Self-Gift
    Alvaro de Vicente


Registration Cost: $200. Registration includes meals from Thursday morning through Friday lunch, along with printed materials for the conference.

The cost per participant of conferences of this nature often exceeds $1,000/participant. We are honored to provide this experience at the deeply discounted rate thanks to the generosity of donors who recognize the cultural importance of a truly personal education and the mentors that make such an education possible.


Questions? Contact with any inquiries.